Have you ever had a burst? For me a burst is a moment of inspiration that is so profound that you get chill bumps, shake, shudder and tears instantly burst from your eyes.The first time I ever saw the movie, Bagger Vance I had a "burst" so many times that I went back to the theater a few days later to count them. There were 8.
When our son, Jordan was in the first grade we
put him in Little League. Unfortunately he was on the “Charlie Brown” team. After
three seasons of almost no wins Jordan became very discouraged and frustrated. “We never win, Mom. I’m
not having fun,” he said one evening after a 12 to zero ballgame.
“Why don’t you try golf,”
I said. That’s a game where you play all by yourself.”
With that, we bought
Jordan a set of golf clubs. He began
by hitting a bucket of balls from the house to the barn, 400 feet away. As Jordan grew older he
joined the Hendersonville High School golf team in Tennessee and was named
“Golfer of the Year” in his senior year. We watched Bagger Vance before every competition.
Through the years, when
Jordan would leave the house to practice, I would press the palms of my hands
together, bow and say, “Ahh little Grasshopper, remember you are the ball, you
are the club, you are the hole, you are the field of green grass.”
I don’t really know why I
said it, I just did.
One day, when he was
about twelve-years-old Jordan finally looked at me and said, “What does that
mean anyway, Mom?”
“What happens when you blow everything up a
million times?” I asked. “What do you see?”
“Empty space,” he
“Ahh little Grasshopper ,
it is there you are one with the ball, one with the club, one with the hole and
one with the field of green grass.”
“Oh. Now I get it,” he said
with a great big smile. “Bye Mom!”
I'm really not that smart. All you have to do is listen. God will always give you the answer. Now listen to Bagger Vance tell Junuh about "the field."
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