have an amazing friend who has the intuitive gift of insight. Janine is also an
excellent medium. Not too long ago my friend lost twin girls at their 22
week term. We had a funeral for little Marit and Maryn who were laid together
in a small, white casket honoring the fact that they were indeed little girls
with a soul. It was very sad but there was also contentment knowing they are
together in heaven singing with the angels and we celebrated their transition
with pink balloons being released to the bright blue sky above.
asked Janine, "My friend just lost twins at 22 weeks. What happens to the
unborn?" This is the answer she gave.
have been doing readings for over 10 years and miscarriages, abortions and
stillborns come through all the time and are connected to the family in which
they were to be born into. The interesting part of the messages that I
get from the unborn are always of Thank you's. They are always
thanking the parents and especially the mother for being strong and for giving
them a place to be to evolve.
always see them as being connected and surrounding the ones here on earth with
love. I often see miscarriages around siblings who are here on earth as
I said there is always this big gratitude, and sense of belonging to that
family. I think that many woman suffer in silence when they miscarry
because in our society it is debated on whether a baby in utero is really a
child. Often miscarriages are over looked in an emotional sense and many
feel as if it is not proper to mourn them the same that one would if they had
been born. But I think that is a HUGE misunderstanding of the soul, our
connections and how very real those children are.
also believe that because of an old world understanding of religion, that many
have believed that if a Baby isn't baptized that they don't get into
heaven. Which couldn't be further from the Truth. I always see them
in heaven, and often times feel their personalities and for some reason many of
them seem to be very old souls. But this concept that there is a
particular way to get into heaven, actually contradicts The Ever Loving Creator
that forgives and Understands us. These are souls individual souls, with a
personality, and connection and an abundance of love for their family. I
feel as if they know who would be strong enough to handle the relationship in
which they are going to have with those in their family. I even see this
when it was an abortion, there seems to be an understanding of love beyond our
have a theory, it's just a theory, because I never claim to know God's
plan. But part of me feels that our souls have the opportunity to
experience every single moment to it's complete fullest, so that we die at
different times for this amazing experience of fully being present at that
don't really like the term death, but one of transition, or of awakening.
So my theory is, maybe those souls just needed 22 weeks of Love to be complete
in order to transition and awaken back into being with God.
I do know is that they are around your friends, that they are their children
and that they are in heaven. It is OK to name them, even if you didn't
know boy or girl, it is OK to mourn them, as long as you know that you are and
always will be connected to them and to the One that has Created us all!
Then Janine offered this insight directed to my friend. I did not tell her that the twins were girls or that their condition was twin to twin syndrome. One baby was getting most of the nutrition and the other was becoming weak. In many cases the smaller baby doesn't make it with this type of condition. I am a believer in mediums and have had many wonderful experiences with Janine. This is what she said about Marit and Maryn.
For me when I think of
your friends, I get this big smile as I hear, "Isn't that cool mom, we had
each other when we came in and when we came out, we are sooooo close"
I feel as if the one talking is a girl. They seem to be with their
grandmothers. I feel a bit more of a pull from Dad's side. In their
particular case, I get these two souls that are so close, they are almost one.
However one seems to have been much bigger than the other one. Like physically
one was bigger or stronger, but their souls are so close they need to be
together no matter where they are. Not sure if I am making any
They also say that
Dad, has a soft heart, they needed to say that. Not sure why this is coming
through, but I give it like I get it, but they mention Dad's hair or seeing
dad's hair?? That doesn't make much sense to me, but like I said I am just
giving it like I get it.
your friends know that they hear their prayers and they are good and safe!! As
if mom has prayed so hard that they go to heaven. I have this image of
these two little souls sitting on her lap when she was praying. I am not
sure if they have another child, but these two are talking about having another
May they know how much
they are loved and how strong they are. God really is amazing Cynthia, if
we only knew how much we are loved, we would never worry a day in our lives.
hope this helps and tell them I am sorry for their loss and thankful I got to
meet their little ones for a moment. They come from a great family.
Love and many Blessings
reading was extremely comforting. My friend, Susan is the grandmother and her
son Randy (the dad) had a beard at the time of the twin's transition to heaven.
The girls are identical twins which might be why she saw them as one. Since
then the couple has been blessed with little Sawyer. Maybe there is still a
little girl waiting to be born to this very loving family.
posted this blog because I have found that when we experience life through our
spiritual eyes we have a much more exciting and fulfilled experience as human
beings. I'm a believer! Thank you Janine. Well done, my friend.
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